It is very likely that, as you read this, you desire a breakthrough in a specific area of your life. Whether it is financially, professionally, relationally, emotionally, spiritually, academically, mentally, or physically - there is a next level you want to attain and experience.

Here's the problem - breakthroughs aren't free

Breakthroughs are costly. If you want a breakthrough in any of the above areas of your life, you will have to pay a price. You will have to pay the price of discipline, commitment, perseverance, hard work, study, etc. But you probably already knew that.

What you may not have known, is this: your next breakthrough will require that you push through.

You will need to push through pain. You will need to push through discomfort. You will need to push through apathy. You will need to push through fear. You will need to push through doubt. You will need to push through failure. You will need to push through anxiety. You will need to push through opposition. You will need to push through something.

If you haven't had a breakthrough in recent months or years, it is very likely you haven't pushed through in recent months or years.

Instead of pushing through, you've backed down. Instead of pushing through, you've ran away. Instead of pushing through, you've given up. And as a result - no significant change has occurred.




So many great tweets.

Powerful quotes. 
Poignant one liners.
Provocative threads. 
280 characters or less that makes you go wooooow.

So many awesome videos.

Stand-up clips.
Sermon highlights.
Speech snapshots.
1 minute or less that makes you go oooooh. 

So many compelling "stories."

On religion.
On politics.
On social justice.

15 seconds or less that makes you go hmmmmm.

We're commenting. We're liking. We're re-tweeting. We're sharing.

But my concern is this,


Inspiration on social media can be like a drug - temporary high, but no long-term positive impact. Instant euphoria, but no lasting conviction. Momentary bliss, but no paradigm shift. 

Let's not let this be us.

The next time you come across a poignant tweet, video, story, link, blog, article, etc. online, that challenges you...



The helpful hand.
The harsh rebuke.
The desired result.
The financial support.
The loving correction.
The supportive friend.
The encouraging word.
The insightful resource.
The favorable outcome.
The pivotal partnership.
The desired opportunity.
The necessary connection.
The romantic relationship.

Whatever it is you need, God will provide it for you exactly when you need it.

Never late. Rarely early. But always on time.

If you knew everything God knows. If you saw everything God sees. If you understood everything God understands. You would comprehend why you don't currently have the thing you think you currently need.


Trust it.


I'm overlooked.
I'm undervalued.
I'm unappreciated.

I'm not new.
I'm not flashy.
I'm not cutting edge.

I'm present when everyone else is absent.
I'm working when everyone else is sleeping.
I'm going when everyone else is stopping.

Bigger and better doesn't impress me.
The latest and the greatest doesn't distract me.
My results compared to yours doesn't affect me.

I'm boring.
I'm mundane.
I'm repetitive.



I don't just start well.
I finish strong.

I don't just make promises.
I keep them.

I don't just arrive.
I stay.

Through hardship.
Through difficulty.
Through turmoil.


Through criticism.
Through failure.
Through setback.


When the luster has left.
When the shine has subsided.
When the glisten is gone.


When all that is left is work.
When all that is required is sweat.
When all that counts is being able to be counted on.


Who am I?


And you will never know
success and fulfillment
until you know me.


On my "leadership horizon" are some decisions I must make that will require tremendous amounts of courage. Courage that, frankly, I don't feel like I have. 

But, I can't shrink back. I must lead boldly.

Here are some thoughts about courage that I am writing to encourage myself. Prayerfully, you can benefit from them as well...

Courage is taking actions that are uncomfortable. Courage is believing ideals that are unpopular. Courage is loving people that are unthankful.  

Courage is taking a stand that will expose you to criticism. Courage is the willingness to face the consequences for standing up for what you believe. Courage is putting yourself in a position where the possibility of losing is present. 

Sometime courage is speaking up. Sometimes courage is being silent. Sometimes courage is leaving. Sometimes courage is staying. Sometimes courage is starting. Sometimes courage is waiting.

Courage is obeying God and leaving the consequences of your obedience up to Him. 

Courage is faith in the midst of fear. Courage is hope in the midst of uncertainty. Courage is boldness in the midst of timidity. 

Courage is leaving your comfort zone for the benefit of others and the glory of God. 

Courage is a necessary requirement for leadership and a character trait that, if not developed over time, will cause people to second guess whether or not they should follow you. 


The world needs your bravery. 


Forgiveness is hard. Forgiveness is difficult. Forgiveness, at times, can be burdensome.

The hurt was so deep. The betrayal was so real. The pain was so lasting. The offense was so unexpected. The lack of remorse was so unexpected. The offender was so close.

But, as Christians, forgiveness is so...required

At the end of the day, forgiveness for others is really the litmus test of whether or not we truly have received the forgiveness of God.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, we are forgiven of an infinite debt of sin against a Holy God, yet we cannot forgive a finite debt of sin committed by a sinful man? 

Forgiven people forgive people. There really is no way around it.

But, as much as I understand that truth, over the years, there have been many people I have struggled to forgive. From my personal experience, here is a list of "clues" that reveal that forgiveness, very likely, has yet to take place.

  • I want them to be exposed.

  • I want them to fail and struggle in life.

  • When I see them being trusted, I get mad.

  • When I see them enjoying life, I get frustrated.

  • When I see them making progress, I get angry.

  • I want them to hurt in the same way they hurt me.

  • I want someone to do to them what they did to me.

  • I want them to apologize to me for what they did to me.

  • I want them to apologize to others for what they did to me.

But what I've come to realize is that forgiveness isn't as much about them as it is about me...

  • Trusting the Lord.

  • Believing the best.

  • Absorbing the pain.

  • Releasing the vindication.

This isn't easy, by any means. But, it is necessary to live the life of freedom that God desires us to enjoy. It is necessary for the gospel to be displayed. It is necessary for God to be glorified. 

If you find struggling on this journey of forgiving those who have hurt you, I encourage you to pray this with me, daily, as the Lord instructs us to, "Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass over us."


When it comes to friendship, no one wants fake. No one wants shallow. No one wants temporary. What you're looking for in a friendship is something that is real, meaningful, and lasting.

What you're looking for is depth, breadth, and width.

The problem is, these types of friendships aren't easy to come by.

After 35 years, I can count the number of these types of friends that I have in my life on one hand (and I wouldn't even have to use all my fingers!) 

As I reflect on what makes these one-of-a-kind friendships possible, I think of the following four marks:


Depth doesn't develop overnight. A friendship that has the potential for depth must be cultivated over a span of many years. Friendships that last for three years are a dime a dozen. Friendships that last for 30 years - rare.  


A friendship has little to no potential for depth if you can't bring your total self to the table. Likes and dislikes. Future hopes and past hurts. Successes and failures. Quirks and uniquenesses. The quality of a friendship depends on the freedom to be fully you.


A friendship can only be as healthy as it is honest. Lies erode trust, and without trust, friendship isn't possible. But it's not just lies that make for an unhealthy friendship, unrevealed truths don't serve the friendship well either. For depth in a friendship to be achieved, making yourself known must be prioritized. 


Is it possible to connect deeply with someone you don't see eye to eye with spiritually? Though I cannot speak for everyone else, I know that because my convictions about who God is run so deep, it would be difficult to have a deep friendship with someone whose convictions weren't similar. If we can't rejoice together in the joy of our salvation, the joy we could experience as friends would have a ceiling. 

Though there are many "ingredients" to a friendship that will go the distance, these four are a must a for me.

What are the musts for you? Are your friendships characterized by these marks? Can you see how if these four marks aren't present, deep friendship might be difficult to develop? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below! 


Relationships won't. Wealth won't. Influence won't. Sex won't. Power won't. Vacations won't. Clothing won't. Electronics won't. Success won't. Straight A's won't. Recognition won't. Religion won't. 

None of these things will fulfill, satisfy, and please you like you think they will.

They won't because they can't. 

But after 35 years of living, my search is over. Deep and lasting joy no longer eludes me. I have come to discover and believe with every fiber of my being:

All I've ever wanted, God has always had.
All I've ever needed, God has always been. 
All I've ever longed for, God has always held.

God's love will. God's peace will. God's grace will. God's forgiveness will. God's holiness will. God's righteousness will. God's strength will. God's wisdom will. God's mercy will. God's compassion will. God's discipline will. God's faithfulness will. 

God will because God can.

God, in His holiness - accessed solely through faith in Jesus Christ - will satisfy completely.

My search is over. 

#552 - RIGHT NOW

Right now God is sovereign over all things. Right now God is working to accomplish His will in the earth. Right now, while you are working to accomplish one task (maybe two tasks at most), God is accomplishing an infinite amount of tasks. 

Right now, through faith in Jesus Christ, you are forgiven by God. Right now, through faith in Jesus Christ, you are justified by God. Right now, through faith in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God. 

Right now, you are unaware of all that God is doing to bless you, protect you, and make you more like Him. Right now, God is working on your behalf in ways you cannot even conceive. Right now, God is making moves to glorify Himself through you that you will never see coming.

Right now, you are known by God. Right now, you are loved by God. Right now, you are seen by God.  

Right now, there is not a single concern that you have of which God - the all-powerful, Maker of the heavens and the earth - is unaware.

With all this in mind, I encourage you, right now - REST.


Though there are many reasons why I have entrusted my life to Jesus Christ and made Him the Lord of my life, His infinitude is a characteristic that I find myself particularly grateful for today. There are an infinite number of ways His infinitude impacts my life, but here are three benefits that stand out to me at this point in my life:


For starters, God's infinitude means He has an infinite amount of love, grace, mercy, compassion, and kindness for me! Unlike me and my love for others, His love has no end. His grace knows no bounds. His mercies are new every morning. His compassion is everlasting and His kindness is never ending! God will never experience fatigue by loving me and, for this, I am amazed!


Secondly, God's infinitude means He is able to provide for me in an infinite amount of ways. I am not limited to experiencing the provision of God only through a paycheck. Though a paycheck may be one way of God displaying His ability to provide, it's definitely not the only way! God's infinitude means He can provide through divine partnerships, spontaneous gifts, anonymous contributions, unexpected generosity, and sovereign connections. Though there is a limit on how much time I have to earn a living, God, in His infinitude, has no limit on how He can provide for my life!


Finally, God's infinitude means there are infinite possibilities in regards to how He will bring His will for my life to pass. I don't have to worry about how and when it's all going to happen! Though there is nothing wrong at all with a "career path" and its predictability, I'd rather go on a "faith journey" with the God of infinity! With an infinite God, there are an infinite number of doors He can open so my gifts can be used to glorify Him. There are an infinite number of opportunities He can make available so my passions can be used to extend His Kingdom here on earth. There are an infinite number of relationships He can connect me to so His love can be experienced through my life. 

I worship and adore God Almighty for His infinitude! My hope is that as I open myself up to His infinite ways, my life will give Him infinite praise!

#547 - TWO DOORS

There are two types of doors.
I'd like you to know.
Two types you'll encounter
On the road as you go.

The first is the kind
you must push to get through.
With this type of door
the main character is you.

You have to work.
You have to fight.
To get through this door
You must use all your might.

Though there is some relief
when you finally get in.
The main problem is with
the tension within.

Was this a door
that I was to open?
Because if it was
why do I feel broken?

It's almost as if
it wasn't meant to be.
There's no calm. There's no peace.
On the inside of me.

But the second type of door
It's totally different.
When you see it you'll know.
You'll know in an instant.

Instead of your will.
Instead of determination.
This type of door
is marked by invitation.

Invitation to come.
Invitation to be a part.
Invitation to join.
Invitation to start.

When you walk through this door
It doesn't feel forced
But instead it feels like
By God it's endorsed!

These are the doors
you should wait patiently for.
These are the doors
when they open - don't ignore.

So why do I explain
the two doors that exist?
It's only because
 I must challenge how you persist.

It's not that I think
your hard work isn't okay.
I'd just like you to consider:


#545 - SERVE

With your time. With your energy. With your emotions. With your gifts. With your strengths. With your weaknesses. With your uniqueness.


Regardless of whether or not you are appreciated. Regardless of whether or not you are compensated. Regardless of whether or not you are applauded.


Not to make a name for yourself. Not in your own power. Not for your own glory.


In the name of Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit. For the glory of God.


"...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."




When my praise, adoration, and worship of God's nature, characteristics, and attributes is my priority...

Sin becomes less attractive.
Worry becomes less present.
Ambition becomes less selfish.
Fear becomes less debilitating.
Desire becomes less consuming.
Petition becomes less necessary.

Because, when praise is my priority...

God becomes more capable.
God becomes more beautiful,
God becomes more powerful.
God becomes more enjoyable.
God becomes more admirable.
God becomes more wonderful.


Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
Look full in His wonderful face.
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim.
In the light of His glory and grace. 



Because God's Holiness is real...

God's will is final.
God's purity is perfect.
God's sovereignty is total.
God's power is matchless.
God's wrath is devastating.
God's size is inconceivable.
God's knowledge is infinite.
God's love is uncontainable.
God's worthiness is supreme.
God's character is immutable.
God's judgement is thorough.
God's creativity is unmatchable.
God's competition is non-existent.

Because God's Holiness is real... 



The picture. The tweet. The subtweet. The comment. The "like." The non-like. The non-invite. The good time that people are having without you. The "shade."


What if it wasn't done on purpose? What if it wasn't directed towards you. What if it wasn't intended to make you jealous? What if it was posted, liked, and/or commented on without you in mind AT ALL? What if?


Why are we so quick to think that when people engage with social media, they always have US on their minds? That's not just presumptuous, that's arrogant!

And even if it is about you (because I know sometimes it is!), I think it's important for all of us to remember:



Joy that is deeper.
Grace that is wider.
Purpose that is grander. 
Love that is better.
Peace that is quieter. 
Forgiveness that is fuller. 
Strength that is stronger. 
Reality that is better. 
Future that is brighter.

This is the result of a life lived in full submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. And, for me, this isn't theory. I have experienced this "better" life.

Unfortunately, I have also experienced another type of life:

Joy that is shallow.
Grace that is limited.
Purpose that is temporal.
Love that is fleeting.
Peace that is elusive.
Forgiveness that is earned.
Strength that is exhausting.
Reality that is dim.
Future that is feared.

This is the result of a life lived in submission to the Lordship of Me. This also isn't theory. I have also experienced this "lesser" life.

The moral of the story is this:

In complete submission to Christ there is freedom. In complete submission to Self there is slavery.

Choose this day whom you will serve.



Allow the words, "I'm sorry" to come out of your mouth, quickly, without an excuse or a defense. When you've been made aware of your misstep, own it and take responsibility with a timely admission of guilt. 

The longer you wait, the longer you allow for hurt to linger. The more you attempt to explain it away, the less validation you will extend to the offended. The longer you delay, the more time you allow for bitterness to build. 

Apologize, and pay attention.

If you can't remember the last time you extended an apology, this, very likely, is a sign of immaturity. 

Everyone messes up, sometimes. 

You're not the exception. 


There will come a day when the opportunity will come.

Your art will be given a platform. Your passion will be given a spotlight. Your dream will be given a chance.

I don't know when that day will be, where it will occur, or who will be there to see it take place. 

All I know, is that when the moment comes, your practice, your preparation, and your planning, will be put on display. For better or for worse, you will be exposed. 

Your work ethic will be exposed. Your dedication to your craft will be exposed. Your potential will be exposed.

And so it is with all this in mind that I encourage you:

Practice TODAY. Prepare TODAY. Plan TODAY. Reimagine it TODAY. Rehearse it TODAY. Refine it TODAY.   

The magnificence, beauty, and awe that you desire people to experience, from your work, someday, is depending on the commitment you put into your work, TODAY


This morning, just moments after I had put the finishing touches on my message and finished getting dressed to go to church, I felt a prompting. An inclination. A sense that I should text a particular person - that had been to a church service of ours once before and engaged with us outside of the church on one occasion as well - and invite them to church.

So I did.

That person actually ended up showing up. Not only did they show up, but they communicated to me that this Sunday, in particular, was the anniversary of a very traumatic event in their life. (Of this, I had no idea.) They went on to say that this was a day that they needed to be in church, and it was my text that got them out of bed to attend. Lastly, they also let me know that the message I gave provided an encouragement that they needed.

One prompting. One text. One person blessed.

I'm so thankful that, this time, I had ears to hear. I'm so thankful that, this time, I didn't ignore. I'm so thankful that, this time, I didn't neglect.

On many occasions I have been too caught up in myself to be bothered by promptings and too lazy to act on them. But what I've come to discover is this...  

A prompting is only as powerful as the action that follows it.

Please don't ignore the next prompting you receive. The prompting to text. The prompting to email. The prompting to call. The prompting to write. The prompting to reach out. Act on it.

Someone's blessing, very likely, is on the other side of your willingness to respond.  


I get emotional nearly every time I think of the concept. I come to tears nearly every time lyrics to a song communicate the truth. I have both tremendous joy and deep grief every time it takes place. This characteristic of God wrecks me.

God gives and takes away.

God gives life, and He takes life away. God gives friends, and He takes friends away. God gives opportunities, and He takes opportunities away. God gives wealth, and He takes wealth away. God gives influence, and He takes influence away. God gives significance, and He takes significance away. God gives heroes, and He takes heroes away. God gives parents, and He takes parents away. God gives children, and He takes children away. God gives work, and He takes work away. God gives talents, and He takes talents away. God gives blessings, and He takes blessings away.

And though having things given to me and taken away from me both can be very emotional, it isn't the giving and taking away that makes me cry. What makes me cry is that I must bring myself to believe that...

God is worthy of my praise anyways.

What God gives doesn't make Him more worthy. What God takes away doesn't make Him less worthy. Who God IS makes Him completely worthy of all my praise, adoration, and affection!

In health and in sickness, bless God's holy name. In wealth and in poverty, bless God's holy name. In laughter and in mourning, bless God's holy name. In success and in failure, bless God's holy name. 

The "good" that God allow to come into my life shows me that God is good. The "bad" that God allows to come into my life shows me that God must have something better! Praise God's holy name!

May our lives never be most consumed by what God is choosing to give or take away from our hands, but instead may we be most comforted in the fact that it is God's hands that is doing the giving and taking away. 

Whether you find yourself on a "hill" or a "valley" in this first week of 2018, I encourage you to give the song below a listen and worship your way through!

“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!” - Job

"You give and take away. You give and take away. My heart will choose to say, Lord, blessed be your name." - Matt Redman

"Father you give and take away, every joy and every pain, through it all you will remain over it all." - Tauren Wells