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As I do my best to get back into the habit of writing daily, today, I am reminded of a concept that I believe will serve me well in the coming months. I am reminded of a mantra that will encourage me to write especially when I don't feel like it. I am reminded of three words that will propel me towards consistency not only in my writing, but in other areas of my life as well.


As it relates to my writing, I need to just show up to the laptop and start forming sentences. I need to just show up to the iPhone (which I am currently on) and start typing away. I need to just show up to my desktop and start putting together paragraphs. 

Though I may be tired. Though I may feel like I have nothing to say. Though I may have other things I'd rather do. For me to become the writer I believe I have the potential to become, I need to just. show. up. 

But this doesn't only apply to me and my writing. It probably also applies to you and some area of your life that you desire to improve upon.  

 What is it for you?

Do you need to just show up to the gym? Do you need to just show up to the practice? Do you need to just show up to the appointment? Do you need to just show up to the class? Do you need to just show up to the rehearsal? Do you need to just show up to the meeting? Do you need to just show up to the group? Do you need to just show up to the game? Do you need to just show up to the church? Do you need to just show up to the interview? Do you need to just show up to the audition? Do you need to just show up to the job?

I encourage you to identify where you need to stop making excuses and start following through on your commitments and... Just. Show. Up.

Because as far as I know, greatness has never been achieved by someone who was consistently absent.