
Lead someone to accomplish something they wouldn't have accomplished in your absence. Lead someone to take a step of faith that they wouldn't have taken if you were not there. Lead someone to overcome something they wouldn't have overcome if you did not challenge them to do so. 

Don't just be satisfied with helping someone to achieve something they could have achieved without you.

Pursue leading someone through their toughest challenge, their worst fear, their biggest goal, their greatest ambition, their highest calling.

Leader, who is the last person you helped experience a true breakthrough? I encourage you to lead towards this end.

And if you find yourself not having led people in this way, commit to improve.

Ask tougher questions.
Get firmer commitments.
Provide stronger accountability.
Give better feedback.   
Communicate more encouragement. 

Be the leader your team needs you to be. Be the leader you know you can be.  

Choose the person with whom you have the most influence and lead them to be the greatest version of themselves that they can possibly be. 

As Andy Stanley, a great leader in his own right, so eloquently states,

Leadership is a stewardship. You will be held accountable.