#744 - PSALMS 14:2 // PROVERBS 14:29

The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. Psalms 14:2

Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly. Proverbs 14:29

Heavenly Father, as you are “seeing,” may I be found seeking! I praise you for having eyes that see. Nothing goes unnoticed. Especially, those who are seeking after you. I praise you for honoring how I have sought you. Give me the focus, determination, commitment, and conviction to seek you more. More of your Word. More of your promises. More of your character. More of your will. More of your ways. Help me to seek you more. So that as you look, as you see, you will find me seeking you with all of my heart.

Lord, give me patience. As you are slow to anger with me, help me to be slow to anger with others. Help me to, as often as possible, have in clear view your patience, understanding, grace, and mercy that you have poured out on my life With all the years that you have been slow to anger with me, help me to be slow to anger with others. Help me to believe that anger will only get me into trouble. Anger will only lead me down a dark road. Hasty anger will only result in my floundering and failing. Lord give me a supernatural patience with others that reflects your great supernatural patience with us. Thank you for your patience Lord. I praise you for your long-suffering. I am so grateful. I praise your name. I lift you up as my all-wise, long-suffering, everlasting King. I pray all of this in Jesus name, Amen.