#741 - PSALMS 11:1 // PROVERBS 11:2

In the Lord I take refuge… Psalms 11:1

When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. Proverbs 11:2

Heavenly Father, I praise you as my refuge. I praise you as my strong tower. I praise you as the One that, no matter what the circumstances are, I can run to and find protection under the shadow of your wings. Under your refuge I can be honest. Under your refuge I can be sad. Under your refuge I can be broken. Under your refuge I can be confused. Under your refuge I can be completely undone, but I know your love for me will be steadfast. I praise you Lord for the refuge you have been to me over the years, and for the refuge you will continue to be to me as I live in this fallen world. You are my refuge and you are my strength, a very present help in trouble. I praise your name!

Lord, keep me humble. There have been way too many times that my pride has not only hurt me, my wife, and my family, but it has also disgraced me. It has humiliated me. My pride has left me “naked.” Give me the humility to receive correction. Give me the humility to say I’m sorry. Give me the humility to change direction if that is your will. Give me the humility to say I was wrong. Deliver me from a pride that protects my image and my ego and my reputation at all costs. I can humble myself in your sight and in the sight of others because my reputation is not found in my good deeds or my evil deeds, but in the righteousness of Jesus Christ which is mine by faith! I praise you Lord for growing in me a spirit of humility over the last several years. Continue to pour more and more of a humble spirit out onto my life for my good and your glory. Please Lord, supernaturally make me a humble servant in every aspect of my life. I love you and I eagerly expect you to do this work. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.