Last night I gave the sermon at my church’s Saturday evening service.

And though I thought I did a good job, shortly after my talk was completed, I began asking myself questions that I typically ask after I am finished giving a talk.

Did the people like it?
Did any lives get changed?
Did the message make sense?

But as these questions ran through my head, I sensed a still, small voice lovingly let me know…

It’s in My hands.

The results you long for – It’s in My hands.
The life change you wish to see – It’s in My hands.
The obstacles you must overcome – It’s in My hands.
The positive impact you desire to have – It’s in My hands.
The revelation you intend to communicate – It’s in My hands.
The changed world that you want to play a part in creating – It’s in My hands.

Every dream. Every hope. Every aspiration.

It’s in My hands.

Continue to do your part. And I will do mine.
Continue to plant the seed. And I will produce the harvest.
Continue to give your gift. And I will use it for My glory.

It’s in My hands.

The very same hands that were pierced with nails for you.

These are the hands that hold your life and your every desire.

Trust them.