The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it.
Arnold H. Glasgow
How long will it take
till I finally see
the one in the mirror
who I dream to be?
How long will it take
before others know
my value within?
Doesn’t it show?
There’s a gift that I have
that I wish to share
but why does it seem
like there‘s no one aware?
Delay. Disappointment.
Frustration and Doubt.
So overwhelming.
Is there no shorter route?
Have Patience with Your Process.
The delays you despise
each have a reason.
If you see them all through
you’ll experience your season.
The time will soon come
your contribution on display
but a process comes first
there’s no other way.
For premature success
has been a downfall of many.
But if you can wait
you’ll find yourself ready.
Like a baby who develops
Nine months before birth
Your patience will produce
an invaluable worth.