Who you are is who you attract.

John C. Maxwell refers to this as the Law of Magnetism, and I'm convinced that it is a principle that reveals more about the quality of your leadership, for better or for worse, than any of his other "laws." 

In other words, the best indicator of the quality of your leadership is the quality of the people who are following you.

With this idea in mind, take a quick inventory. Are you pleased by the attitudes, work ethic, and level of commitment of those who would call you their leader?  Are you excited to work with the team you lead? Are you proud to call the people you lead your team members?

If your answer is yes, the good news is, who you are has something to do with why you've been able to surround yourself with great people. 

If your answer is no, the bad news is, who you are has something to do with why you've been unable to surround yourself with great people!

So what do you do if you don't currently have a "followership" that you are proud of?


If you want a team with a greater degree of commitment, become more committed. If you want a team with an increased passion for the mission, become more passionate about the mission. If you want a team who is more accountable for their work, become more accountable for your work. If you want a team characterized by transparency,  become more transparent. 

Who YOU ARE is who you attract.

Become more and you can attract more. Become better and you can attract better. Become greater and you can attract greater.

Or, if this seems too difficult for you and you find yourself unwillingly to put in the hard work necessary to develop yourself personally, you can just refuse to take responsibility and place yourself on the path of least resistance...