Over the last 24 hours, I had the privilege of attending the Send Network Coaching Map— a training for developing effective coaches for church planters.
Here are some of the most valuable ideas I came across for effective coaching. Prayerfully they serve you well.
Coaching is not Counseling. Coaching is not Advising. Coaching is not Teaching. Coaching is not Mentoring. Coaching is something entirely different.
Two skills of an effective coach: Asking Questions & Listening.
“Becoming a great coach requires developing an extraordinary ability to listen.”
“Listen longer than you think is necessary.”
“Listening is a spiritual discipline.”
“A good coach asks questions that no one else has permission to ask.”
Coaches use the “asking voice” not the “pouring in” voice.
Coaches “still” the other voices.
As you coach, you’re helping someone incline their ear to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Coach the person not the goal. Coach the Church Planter not the Church Plant.
“Coaches much reach beyond their human wisdom to the secret places of God’s heart through intercessory prayer.”
“Rich is the person who has a praying friend.”
I’d love to learn from you. In your experience, what characteristics or skills do great coaches possess? Drop a comment below!