Though I avoided my call to plant a church for some time, the following three incidences confirmed my call to plant and gave me the confidence I needed to pursue the call boldly:

Spouse Cooperation. My wife lovingly agreed to the call. She looked me in the eyes and stated that she knew that this was God’s call on my life and that she didn’t want to miss out on God’s great plan for our lives. That day is a day I will never forget.

Pastor Affirmation. Several pastors I respect affirmed my call. They told me that I had the gifting and making of a church planter and affirmed that I would be able to plant a successful church. They also said they would support the church plant in any way that they could. Those were very empowering days.

Team Formation. Six dear friends committed their lives to the call. When three different couples said they were all-in, when I could make them no promises at all, my heart was filled with joy. On those three separate days that each couple committed, I knew that God had already began to build His church.

What circumstances, experiences or incidences confirmed your “calling” into your vocation?