Dreamers get anxious.

We want to see our desires fulfilled.
We want to see our destiny realized.
We want to see our dreams completed.

We want our vision of our preferred future to come to pass…now.

And when we are not seeing the progress we would like to see, we start to wonder…

Am I wasting my time?
Am I not working hard enough?
Am I pursuing the wrong dreams?

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

Will what I’m dreaming ever become a reality?
Will I ever impact as many people as I dream of impacting?
Will my dreams ever cross their finish line?

These are tough tensions to manage.

But the following “Key to Completion” gives me hope:

What God starts, God finishes.

The idea He planted in you…He will help you make it grow.
The work He placed before you…He will help you see it through.
The dream He picked you to fulfill…He will help you see to completion.

When we do what only we can do, God does what only He can do.

He will complete it.

Now please, rest in that truth.