You’ve worked hard. Multiple drafts. Multiple iterations. Time. Energy. Emotion. Finances.

Then, the time comes to present. To share. To get approval. To get affirmation. To get the thumbs up to move forward with your idea.

What is the posture you should have in this critical moment?

  1. CONFIDENCE IN WHAT IS. Be confident in what you have created. Be confident in the meaning of what you’ve created. Be confident in the message of what you’ve created. Be confident in the value that what you’ve created can provide for who you’ve created it for. Be confident.

  2. HUMILITY FOR WHAT ISN’T. Be humble to acknowledge that what you have created isn’t perfect. Be humble to receive feedback. Be humble to implement input. Be so humble that you are able to admit that, if who you are presenting your creativity to decides to go in a different direction, they have good reasons for doing so. Be humble.

Eager to be told, “Yes.” Ready to be told, “No.” Aware you could be told, “Adjust.”

If you are a creative, and you are not prepared to graciously receive each of those three potential statements in response to a desire for your creativity to be received, you need to grow in…

Confidence in what is. Humility for what isn’t.
Confidence in what is. Humility for what isn’t.
Confidence in what is. Humility for what isn’t.