We automatically appreciate and enjoy it when we see and experience it in others, but, for some reason, we have difficulty living authentic and vulnerable lives ourselves. Why is this?

Here are a few reasons why I think many struggle…

  1. We fear if people knew who we really were they would not accept us.

  2. Fake is fast. Surface is speedy. Authenticity and vulnerability requires time.

  3. We tried it, but had a bad experience. Someone responded negatively/harshly, someone took the information and used it against us, or the person/people we tried to be authentic and vulnerable with didn’t seem to care.

  4. Hiding has become habitual. Being honest has become unnatural.

There are very likely many more reasons why living authentically and vulnerably is difficult, but here are a few reasons to pursue living this way anyways…

  1. Living a lie is exhausting.

  2. Living unknown is depressing.

  3. When you are more vulnerable with others, you create a pathway for others to be more vulnerable with you.

  4. Trust is built when the truth is told.

These are very quick thoughts that possibly in a future post I will expound upon, but in the meantime, here are four quick ways to live more authentically if what I’ve written so far intrigues you…

  1. Tell someone the audacious dream in your heart.

  2. Tell someone the difficult pain in your past.

  3. Tell someone the current struggle in your life.

  4. Tell someone the irrational fear in your mind.

These truths about who you are will strengthen any relationship you desire to deepen. I encourage you to give these truths a try. Freedom awaits!