Over the last 3 weeks, the 49ers have won three games, on the road, in improbable ways, to put them in the 2022 NFC Championship Game…as the 6th seed!

The games have been entertaining, but also enlightening. Here are some of the things I’m learning:

  1. The game is not over till the game is over.

  2. The whole team is necessary the whole game.

  3. One team member’s failure can be offset by another team member’s success.

  4. One’s notoriety on a team does not determine one’s usefulness to the team.

  5. Star players make high-impact plays in high-intensity situations.

  6. Coaching matters.

  7. Most “healthy” players are playing hurt.

  8. Highest paid doesn’t always mean most valuable.

  9. Unlikely victories are the most satisfying type.

  10. There’s less pressure when there’s lower expectations.

  11. Great defense can be as exhilarating as great offense.

  12. Sports are most healthily enjoyed when you aren’t looking to get anything from it beyond the entertainment it’s meant to provide.