Tonight, one of my dearest friends from my high school/college years from the Bay Area visited Las Vegas, and we were able to spend some quality time together, in conversation, for the first time in 10+ years.

It was life-giving. It was encouraging. It was a blessing.

I’m so thankful God made a way for us to catch up in the way we did. It had been a really long time, and in light of some ways in which I had previously said/did some things to hurt our relationship, he could’ve rejected re-connecting in the way that we did and I would’ve completely understood. God is so gracious.

Here’s one of my big takeaways from the night:

When reconciliation in a relationship is possible…reconcile.

Re-connect. Re-engage. Re-establish.
Apologize. Confess. Ask for forgiveness.
Make the effort. Invest the time. Try.

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Romans 12:18

I’d rather exercise the humility required to make a relationship more healthy than live with the guilt of knowing my pride is what kept the relationship less healthy.