My primary ambitions through the first, nearly, four decades of my life have been…

  • By my late teens - make a name for myself by making much of myself. (I was a doer of tasks for the glory of me.)

  • By my late twenties - make a name for myself by making much of Jesus. (I was a doer of tasks using Jesus for the glory of me.)

  • By my late thirties - make much of Jesus by making a name for others. (I became a developer of people for the glory of God.)

But as fulfilling as my late thirties have been, as I conclude by thirties and enter into my forties (I still have until August 2022!), here is the leadership legacy decision I’ve made…

  • For the rest of my life - I will make much of Jesus by investing my life, primarily, into men and women who want to make much of Jesus by making a name for others. (I desire to be a developer of leaders who are committed to developing leaders for the glory of God.)

Questions to Consider

  1. What is your current leadership ambition?

  2. What do you want your leadership ambition to be?

  3. What decision/change do you need to make so that your actions can begin to be more aligned with your ultimate ambition?