Distracted. Frustrated. Condemned. Rushed. Confused.

These are just a few of the emotions that many of the people attending church on Sundays are feeling the moment they sit down for a service. Very few have prayed, to prepare their hearts, leading up to the service. Very few have truly worshipped during the time of singing. Very few have had God on their hearts for the majority of the week. Most, are just patting themselves on the back because they are in the building!

When it comes to your sermon preparation, what are you currently doing to address the obstacle of unprepared hearts?

My Suggestion. Pray more. Before your message. During your message. (Yes, actually take moments within your message to pray with your listeners.) And…after your message. Pray. Prayer prepares hearts. 


Their problems. Their kids, Their unmet needs. Their unanswered prayers. Their questions. Their sports team. Their lunch plans! This is what is on their minds. At best…your message is secondary.

Don’t be naive and assume just because people are present they’re interested!

When it comes to your sermon preparation, what are you currently doing to address the obstacle of uninterested minds?

My Suggestion. Build tension. Build tension stating a question that creates intrigue. Build tension by telling your listeners what’s at stake if they don’t lean in to what you’re going to teach. Finally, build tension by leveraging a message outline that clearly and compellingly shows where your message is headed. Tension earns attention.


Most people who attend Sunday services are Biblically illiterate. Very few read their Bible regularly. Very few do word studies. Very few understand the meta-narrative of Scripture. Most Christians live on a diet of Instagram post devotional Bible reading and YouTube clip eisegetical Bible teaching!

One implication, for preachers, to this heartbreaking reality is this: if your exegesis is accurate, but it is not understood, it is useless.

When it comes to your sermon preparation, what are you currently doing to address the obstacle of limited Biblical literacy?

My Suggestion. Speak plainly. Use simple words to summarize a long quote or commentary excerpt. Use clear phrases to make your main points. State big ideas, in a tweet-able form, visually, on a screen to reinforce the clarity of your speech. Reject the notion that simple is shallow.  Plain speech makes for a less painful sermon.


The natural inclination for most people following the listening of a sermon is to place more emphasis/concern on what they need to do rather than on what Jesus already did. Their obedience to the law weighs more heavily on their hearts than Christ’s fulfillment of the law.

Both believers and unbelievers are addicted to “works righteousness.”

When it comes to your sermon preparation, what are you currently doing to address the obstacle of listeners preferring legalism to grace?

My Suggestion. Show Jesus Christ as Savior and Substitute. Articulate explicitly that, in Christ, we receive both forgiveness and righteousness! Make a bigger deal of what Jesus already accomplished not on what the listener has yet to accomplish. Use your “gospel close” both as an invitation to unbelievers, and a reminder to believers. You’re not finished preaching until your listeners are convinced…“It is finished.”


D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones described unction in this way…

…you have the feeling that you are not actually doing the preaching, you are looking on. You are looking at yourself in amazement as this is happening. It is not your effort; you are just the instrument, the channel, the vehicle and the Spirit is using you, and you are looking on in great enjoyment and astonishment.

Preacher, do you preach with unction?

When it comes to your sermon preparation, what are you currently doing to address the obstacle of powerless preaching?

My Suggestion. Beg for unction. Beg for the Holy Spirit of God to come up over the top of your natural abilities to say something supernatural through you. Beg God to make you keenly aware of when you are preaching in your own strength. Do not tolerate preaching without power. Preaching can’t function without unction!