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  1. To better steward my time.

  2. To limit my distractions.

  3. To force myself to invest more time cultivating actual relationships.

  4. To be more present with my wife.

  5. To exchange the time I spend scrolling feeds for thinking criticaly.

  6. To prioritize creating content over consuming it.

  7. To eliminate a potential pathway to sexual immorality.

  8. To free myself from the illusion that I “need” social media.

  9. To blind myself from how people are posturing themselves online.

  10. To prevent unnecessary comparison and envy.

  11. To reject a common way I’m tempted to self-promote.

  12. To remove the temptation of capturing moments rather than experiencing them.

  13. To reduce the influence of “the algorithm.”

  14. To decrease the amount of marketing messages I’m bombarded by.

  15. To enjoy a more quiet life.

  16. To experience the mental and emotional impact of being off social media.

  17. To focus on adding subscribers to my text updates rather than adding followers to my social media accounts.

  18. To create a beautifully designed monthly update for subscribers to my text updates.

  19. To drive traffic to edwardpaz.com.

  20. To make edwardpaz.com the hub of my online presence rather than my social media accounts.

  21. To re-think what I want my future social media approach to be.

  22. To obey what I believe the Holy Spirit is convicting me to do.