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For quite some time now, I’ve had a deep conviction about doing some extensive writing on the topic of pride and humility. Though I have many fears, hesitancies, and insecurities about why I shouldn’t take on this task, I also have some compelling and convicting reasons why I should…

  1. Because thinking more highly of myself than I ought to comes way too easily to me.

  2. Because writing clearly about humility will require me to think critically about my own pride.

  3. Because if there was ever a time when I needed to be more on guard of becoming susceptible to greater degrees of pride, it’s now—when the platform from which I minister from has grown larger and opportunities for wider impact may become greater.

  4. Because I need to crystallize in written form, for myself and for the benefit of others, what God has taught me about pursuing a life of humility.

  5. Because not being able to get a handle on pride has been the reason why so many people destroy their lives and their ministries.

  6. Because I have experienced, in increasing measures, the blessing and favor of pursuing a humble life, and I want others to experience this blessing and favor also.

  7. Because one’s view and vision of God is directly proportional to one’s humility.

  8. Because one’s potential for growth is directly proportional to one’s humility.

  9. Because one’s potential for glorifying God is directly proportional to one’s humility.

  10. Because the spiritual pandemic beneath this viral pandemic is pride.

In summary…

Because I have, for too long, personally experienced the destructive effects of pride, I must, in this hour, thoroughly engage God’s clarion call to a life of humility.

With these motivations and convictions in mind, over the next month, each day, I will write a blog post with…

  • A scripture referencing pride and/or humility.

  • A personal reflection.

  • A practical application.

I encourage you to join me on this journey. Interact with me in the comments. Provide feedback. Ask questions. Let’s grow in humility together! First post goes live tomorrow at 8am…stay tuned!