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To live is to think.

It is a lost art.

A forgotten skill.
An overlooked talent.
An unappreciated ability.

It is…

The ability to THINK.

To reason.
To ponder.
To consider.
To synthesize.
To contemplate.

Thinking is beneficial.

Thinking can save you time.
Thinking can save you energy.
Thinking can save you money.

Thinking is powerful.

It is the instigator for ideas.
It is the initiator for insights.
It is the impetus for improvements.

Thinking is necessary.

Without it, the quality of your work diminishes.
Without it, the quality of your results decrease.
Without it the quality of your life suffers.

Thinking is more important than you think.

And so with that in mind, here’s a question to consider:

How intentional are you being about investing time to think?

Think about it.