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I have to prepare myself for the voices.

Voices telling me that, as it relates to my preaching, I should be doing more of this and less of that. Voices telling me that, as it relates to my leadership, I should be doing more of this and less of that. Voices telling me that, as it relates to my dealing with people, I should be doing more of this and less of that.

Voices telling me that, as it relates to our church programs, we should be doing more of this and less of that. Voices telling me that, as it relates to our style of music, we should be doing more of this and less of that. Voices telling me that as it relates to our method of ministry, we should be doing more of this and less of that.

And because all of the voices I will encounter will not necessarily be all good or all bad...

I'm going to have to learn how to manage the tension between leading boldly while still listening carefully.


I don't have all the answers.
I'm not aware of all the best practices.
I don't have as much experience as others.

But at the same time,

God has placed a calling on my life.
God has placed a vision in my heart.
God has placed a gift in my hands.

Though I don't know it all, there are some things I do know and I can't allow the voices to cause me to question the things God has clearly called me to do.

Leading boldly and listening carefully - though it will be a difficult tension to manage, it will also be a tension that will cause me to listen ever so closely to the one voice that matters most...God's.