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#770 - PSALMS 40:16 // PROVERBS 9:9

But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord!” Psalms 40:16

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning. Proverbs 9:9

Heavenly Father, I praise your name. I rejoice in you. I am glad in you. Please Lord, help me to never grow weary in praising your name. I love my salvation. I love that you have rescued me. I love that you have turned my life around. I love that while I was yet a sinner, you sent your one and only Son Jesus Christ to live the perfect life on my behalf, die for my sins, and raise from the dead defeating death, hell, and the grave. Forgive me for the days when I take my salvation for granted. For when I do not appropriately dwell upon and worship you for what you have graciously accomplished on my behalf. Great are you Lord. No name deserves praise from my lips like your name. I love what you have done for me, and may what you have done for me be fuel for my living, fuel for my joy, fuel for my obedience, all the days of my life.

Lord, help me to be the type of man that never ceases growing in wisdom. As wisdom comes my way, help me to become wiser. Help me to truly be a lifelong learner of your will and your ways. Also, please bring wise men and women my way who are hungry for wisdom. I thank you for the people you’ve allowed me to disciple and raise up in your Word. Thank you for the wise men and women who’ve become wiser, in small part, because you’ve opened up doors for me to share what your Holy Spirit has, first, given me. I praise you for the privilege of being a pastor and a discipler. I am not worthy, but you are worthy of my obedience. Continue to increase me in learning, and continue to place me around people who desire to do the same. I love you and I pray all of these things in Jesus name, Amen.